Fietsroute Langs Kunst en Cultuur in Eijsden-Margraten

Fietsroute Langs Kunst en Cultuur in Eijsden-Margraten

Step into the inspiring world of art in the public space of Eijsden-Margraten. Be amazed by the many works of art, each telling the story of this region. Become acquainted with local traditions such as the ceremonial shooting club, ‘the schutterij’ and the traditional dance, the ‘cramignon’. Admire classic sculptures of renowned artists and modern murals by young talent. Reflect on the war past and get away from it all on the winding road to freedom.

The cycle junction system ensures a carefree ride. Enjoy the panoramic views of the plateau landscape, discover the best places on the map and taste local products. You can easily take a shortcut between junction numbers 80 and 106. You can park and start at the railway station in Eijsden.

Start- and endpoint

NS-station in Eijsden

Type of itinerary

Cycle route


46.8 km

Junctions lists

76 - 78 - 100 - 80 - 81 - 430 - 429 - 84 - 83 - 82 - 71 - 70 - 69 - 68 - 67 - 65 - 66 - 106 - 73 - 74 - 75 - 76
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In the area

Herman Wehkamp
Coördinator Routepunt

Tips and points for improvement

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