Opwindende opera van Mozart en Beethoven met Elizabeth Watts

Opwindende opera van Mozart en Beethoven met Elizabeth Watts

‘Laugh, throw things on stage and especially clap between parts!’ said Richard Egarr to the audience before he gave the prelude to his previous concert at Philzuid. 

It turned out to be a wonderful evening we won't soon forget. Preferably, this British early music specialist would be teleported to Beethoven's time with orchestra and all. 

And that is exactly what he wants to achieve with this extraordinary concert programme. Travel with Richard Egarr to a time when nobody was surprised by two symphonies and two arias on one concert night. 

Singer Elizabeth Watts, named ‘leading British soprano’ by The Guardian, is praised for her creamy timbre and mature empathy. 

Exciting opera music as well as two late masterpieces by the grand masters of the classics: Mozart and Beethoven.


  • 5/9/2025

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