Sint Gerlachuskerk

Sint Gerlachuskerk

Onderstestraat 1
Houthem St. Gerlach
The Sint Gerlachuskerk is a parish church dedicated to Saint Gerlachus van Houthem and is surrounded by Chateau Sint Gerlach, the former deanery and former monastic buildings. Shortly after his death a Norbertinessen monastery, a noble women's pen, was founded on the spot where the Heilige Gerlach van Houthem-Sint Gerlach once lived.

After the death of Sint Gerlach, miracles would happen at his grave, causing people to take the soil of the grave with them. According to them, this had a beneficial effect. Today, the consecrated sand is available to believers under the tomb of Saint Gerlach in Gerlachus Church. The church has unique fresco paintings and a treasury.
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