Mystery Unlocked

Mystery Unlocked

The adventures of Mystery Unlocked are unforgettable games to discover Valkenburg aan de Geul in a new and interactive way. During the games you will investigate independently, with your own team of adventurers.

You walk through the city on the basis of puzzles and challenging assignments and unravel the deepest secrets of the city.

Elizabeth's Mystery
With Augmented Reality, the center of Valkenburg aan de Geul comes to life in a completely different way... Via the screen of your smartphone you can follow the story of Elisabeth, a young lady from the illustrious past of Valkenburg aan de Geul, while walking.

AR- By pointing your smartphone at objects and buildings, clues become visible or the story is told by Elisabeth herself.

Elisabeth's Mystery, is the city game in Valkenburg aan de Geul. The perfect outing for puzzlers, escape room enthusiasts, families and groups of friends. A unique and perfect way to discover Valkenburg aan de Geul in a different way!

Price: € 49.95 per game of two to six participants (advice group with four people). Duration: 2.5 hours on average (you can also schedule a break, take your time and enjoy!). Reservation: via the website.

Peter's Secret
July 14, 2021, the rising water flooded Valkenburg aan de Geul, more has come to the surface... Pieter's secret is a city game based on the past of the Bokkenrijders.

A gang of robbers that used to be active in Valkenburg aan de Geul, among others. Break the curse by finding the secrets (hidden throughout Valkenburg aan de Geul) and solving the riddles.

Price: € 128.00 per game for two to six participants (Battle can be used for four to twelve people for € 225.00). Duration: 2 hours. Reservation: book via the website.
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