De Breuk

De Breuk

This rectangular bronze artwork by Ria Erckens on a hard stone column symbolizes the torn promised land of the Jews.

On the back are the names of the thirteen Jewish victims who fell during the Second World War in Eijsden and Gronsveld. It was unveiled on September 12, 2001 by Mayor Cortenraad and Rabbi Yaakov Schapiro.

These are the names of the Jewish victims:

Fanny Blomhof-de Haas.
Georges Zeligman Cahter.
Arthur Israel Cooperman.
Charles Cooperman.
Josephina Cooperman.
Regina Hertz-Isaac.
Carolina Isaac.
Serphine Isaac.
Israel Copperberg.
Alexander Markx.
Eva Pels-Koperenberg.
Bina Sheep Canther.
Sigmond Stern.
This text has been automatically translated using an online translation service.

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